用源码编译安装MYSQL5.5到ubuntu10.10上[手记] 鄙人初学乍练,写的不好,大家原谅~今天泡了下午论坛,没找到MYSQL的合适的安装配置教程,只好自己去看官方文档了,着实花了时间, 下列是我的操作过程,写出来,希望对大家能有点帮助。
下载地址, 选择源码下载:source code 文件:mysql-5.5.9.tar.gz 下载后在下载目录 $ sudo tar zxvf mysql-5.5.9.tar.gz 查看文件夹下INSTALL-SOURCE文件,里面有各个系统的编译安装方式(英文) 注意,安装前应当注意安装工具的完善,否则编译的时候将出错,本帖稍后的部分给出了工具列表。这里先给出安装命令。 linux下源码的安装方式如下:
# 安装前配置 shell> groupadd mysql shell> useradd -r -g mysql mysql
# 开始源码编译安装 shell> tar zxvf mysql-VERSION.tar.gz shell> cd mysql-VERSION shell> cmake . shell> make shell> make install # 结束编译安装
# 初始化,下列命令使mysql得到对数据库文件的拥有权。mysql_install_db脚本能刷新授权表 shell> cd /usr/local/mysql shell> chown -R mysql . shell> chgrp -R mysql . shell> scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql shell> chown -R root . shell> chown -R mysql data # 可选命令,配置文件位置更改,且内有五种配置模式。 shell> cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf shell> bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql & # 可选命令,自启动脚本,可以mysql自动启动。 shell> cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysql.server
会遇到的问题: ---------------------------------------------------------- -- MySQL 5.5.9 -- Could NOT find Curses (missing: CURSES_LIBRARY CURSES_INCLUDE_PATH) CMake Error at cmake/readline.cmake:82 (MESSAGE): Curses library not found. Please install appropriate package,remove CMakeCache.txt and rerun cmake.On Debian/Ubuntu , package name is libncurses5-dev,on RedHat and derivates it is ncurses-devel. Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/readline.cmake:126 (FIND_CURSES) cmake/readline.cmake:216 (MYSQL_USE_BUNDLED_LIBEDIT) CMakeLists.txt:256 (MYSQL_CHECK_READLINE) ---------------------------------------------------------- 如回显所示,ubuntu下安装libncurses5-dev;redhat下安装ncurses-devel,并删除当前目录CMakeCache.txt(必须删除,否则报错依旧)并重新运行: $ cmake . 命令 ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Performing Test HAVE_PEERCRED -- Performing Test HAVE_PEERCRED - Success Warning: Bison executable not found in PATH -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/user/downloads/mysql-5.5.9 ---------------------------------------------------------- 一个警告总算不爽,如回显所见,安装bison。 $ sudo apt-get install bison ---------------------------------------------------------- 这是两个比较多的问题。
问题总结: 后来查看了官方的文档,编译安装的时候工具必须要有下列5个。 =>安装工具: 1. cmake ----没有自己编译安装cmake ----shell:~$ sudo apt-get install cmake ----版本:2.8.2 2.GNU make ----Ubuntu自带 ----版本:3.81 3.GCC ----Ubuntu自带 ----版本:4.4.5(官方文档:必须3.2以上) 4.Perl ----Ubuntu自带 ----版本:5.10.1 5.libncurses5-dev (ncurses-devel) ----若差了这个包,在cmake的时候会报错。 ----Debian/Ubuntu上的包名是libncurses5-dev,RedHat和其他版本对应的是ncurses-devel ----shell:~$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
开启mysql: cd . ; ./bin/mysqld_safe & 当然你用root命令开启的时候,应当使用--user参数,这样才是安全的启动方式。 cd . ; ./bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &
为root和你的用户名设置密码,这需要在你先启动mysql的基础上,否则会报错,说你没有连接到端口: ./bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password' ./bin/mysqladmin -u root -h YourusernamE password 'new-password' 也可一用下命令替代: ./bin/mysql_secure_installation
sudo apt-get install gettext
sudo apt-get install bison
sudo apt-get install build-essential
很遗憾,搞了老久,还是没有成功... ... 放弃。 用apt-get装mysql 5.1
Reinstalled on a new VM following the above steps. Now it works. So, there must be some remaing garbage from my previously deleted mysql 5.1.
Use the following command to install the mysql-client
sudo apt-get install mysql-client