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选择匿名的用户   2021-5-30 02:04   441   0
<p><strong>From finance to artificial intelligence, data science to web development, there isn’t an area in which Python isn’t consolidated and flourishing. So let’s discuss actual salaries, in-demand skills, marketplaces, and what to do in order to remain competitive.</strong></p>
<p> <strong>从金融到人工智能,从数据科学到网络开发,没有一个领域没有Python能够得到巩固和发展。</strong> <strong>因此,让我们讨论实际薪资,需求技能,市场以及如何保持竞争力。</strong> </p>
<p><em>Find remote jobs in tech, including Python, on <a href=";blog&amp;utm_medium&#61;articles">SitePoint Remote</a>.</em></p>
<p> <em>在<a href=";blog&amp;utm_medium&#61;articles">SitePoint Remote</a>上查找技术(包括Python)中的远程作业。</em> </p>
<h2 id="thejobmarkettoday"> 当今的就业市场 <span style="font-weight: bold;">(</span>The Job Market Today<span style="font-weight: bold;">)</span></h2>
<p>Information technology has created an <em>extremely</em> varied and dynamic market, and saying “computer science” alone is something of an umbrella term now. Pretty much everything has elements of IT in it to some degree — from the algorithms that recommend which TV series you should watch, to the code on this page, and even the software integrating your home appliances with your mobile.</p>
<p> 信息技术创造了一个<em>极其</em>多样化和动态的市场,现在仅说“计算机科学”就是一个笼统的术语。 几乎所有内容都在一定程度上包含了IT元素-从推荐应观看电视剧的算法到此页上的代码,甚至是将家用电器与移动设备集成在一起的软件。 </p>
<p>From this wide array of areas — all of them careers in their own right — we’ll pick a handful. All of them are within <em>multi-million/billion-dollar industries</em> that are particularly hot as of 2020, and will most probably remain active in the foreseeable future.</p>
<p> 在众多领域中-所有这些都是他们自己的职业-我们将选拔一些。 所有这些行业都属于<em>数百万/十亿美元的行业</em> ,这些<em>行业</em>到2020年尤其热门,并且在可预见的未来很可能会保持活跃。 </p>
<p>We are talking about:</p>
<p> 我们正在谈论: </p>
<ul><li>AI<p class="nodelete"></p> 人工智能 </li><li>cloud development<p class="nodelete"></p> 云开发 </li><li>cryptocurrencies and finance<p class="nodelete"></p> 加密货币和金融 </li><li>data science<p class="nodelete"></p> 数据科学 </li><li>web development and mobile apps<p class="nodelete"></p> 网站开发和移动应用 </li></ul>
<p><em>Nearly any position in an exciting, forward-moving and profitable industry will require Python mastery</em>. Stack Overflow Trends very eloquently shows <a href=";">how Python has gained traction since 2008 to become the most talked-about programming language</a>.</p>
<p> <em>在一个令人振奋,不断向前发展和盈利的行业中,几乎任何职位都需要Python精通</em> 。 Stack Overflow趋势非常雄辩地展示<a href=";">了Python自2008年以来如何吸引人们的注意力,成为最受关注的编程语言</a> 。 </p>
<p>But programming alone won’t cut it. You’ll also need solid knowledge specific to the industry before you’ll be considered for the position.</p>
<p> 但是,仅靠编程并不能解决问题。 在考虑担任该职位之前,您还需要特定于该行业的扎实知识。 </p>
<p>Let’s examine how Python has stacked up against other languages in each field during the last five years on <a href="">Google Trends</a>, and also discuss what additional knowledge will be expected from you.</p>
<p> 让我们研究一下过去五年来<a href="">Google趋势</a>在各个领域中Python如何与其他语言<a href="">相提并论</a> ,并讨论了您会期望从中获得更多的知识。 </p>
<h2 id="statisticsanalysisanddeeplearning"> 统计分析和深度学习 <span style="font-weight: bold;">(</span>Statistics Analysis and Deep Learning<span style="font-weight: bold;">)</span></h2>
<div style="text-align: center;">
  <img alt="alt" height="442" src="" style="outline: none;" width="792">
<p><small><a href=";today%205-y&amp;q&#61;Python%20machine%20learning,R%20machine%20learning,MATLAB%20machine%20learning">Machine learning: Python compared to R and MATLAB</a>.</small></p>
<p> <small><a href=";today%205-y&amp;q&#61;Python%20machine%20learning,R%20machine%20learning,MATLAB%20machine%20learning">机器学习:Python与R和MATLAB相比</a> 。</small> </p>
<p>It’s probably not necessary to explain why <strong>Artificial intellig
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