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<h2 class="pageTitle">Software Fashion</h2>
<p class="bodyFootnoteEmp">By <a class="footnoteLink" href="http://www.javelinsoft.com/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_new">Robin Sharp</a>, <a class="footnoteLink" href="http://www.dinofancellu.com/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_new">Dino Fancellu</a> and <a class="footnoteLink" href="http://www.softwarereality.com/MattStephens.jsp">Matt Stephens</a><br>October 5, 2003</p>
<p>Related Articles: <a href="http://www.softwarereality.com/ExtremeProgramming.jsp">The Case Against Extreme Programming</a>, <a href="http://www.softwarereality.com/programming/ejb/index.jsp">EJB&#39;s 101 Damnations</a></p>
<p class="bodyOpenPara"><img align="left" alt="Britney&#39;s let herself go" height="338" src="https://beijingoptbbs.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/cs/5606289-1b167c286531906af8f1c3ef3e3a2dd3.jpg" width="173">Like any industry, the software world suffers its own fashions. We often see new technology bound onto the software stage with a great fanfare. &#34;Everybody&#39;s talking about it! Digital Code Scrubbing is the future! All code should be scrubbed!&#34; Then, after a year or two, the new technology quietly skulks away into the fashion graveyard, when people begin to realise that the technology just hadn&#39;t delivered on its many inflated promises (as demonstrated by Britney, our sexy young model over on the left).</p>
<p>At worst, the technology will die out. At best, the fab technology will find its correct niche - the niche that it should have comfortably filled in the first place.</p>
<p>In the &#34;real&#34; fashion world, bell-bottoms, miniskirts, hotpants, Farrah Fawcett hairdos, Calvin Klein pants, fatness and thinness have all come and gone as either <em>the</em> thing to wear, or <em>the</em> thing to be. We tend to look back on fashions past with either fond nostalgia or a twinge of embarrassment. In the software world, it&#39;s not that different.</p>
<p>A good example of an over-hyped technology dying out is WAP. The initial hype suggested to both punters and content providers that WAP would provide &#34;the Internet on your mobile phone&#34;. The reality, of course, was like playing tennis in a broom cupboard: a rather pathetic text-only display dribbling onto drooling punters&#39; tiny-screened phones. The truth was considerably different from the promises bubbled out by marketing hypesters and IT journalists regurtitating inflated press releases about WAP&#39;s joyous [money-making] potential.</p>
<p>Hype and overselling is a big contributor toward software fashion. Hype is usually at the executive level - describing technology to managers. To do this, the hype must be distilled down to its core, generic essence . . . which is:</p>
<p class="bodyQuote">Technology X &#61; Money/Success/Silver Bullet</p>
<p>Greed is also a driver behind certain types of fashion - but in the IT world, it&#39;s surprisingly a niche player. It seemed most prominent with WAP: content providers thought they were going to make megabuckets of cash from this new age of mobile computing.</p>
<p> </p>
<p class="pageSubTitle">Inappropriate Use of Technology</p>
<p>Software fashion means &#34;everybody&#39;s doing it!&#34; - which in turn means &#34;you&#39;re mad if you&#39;re not doing it too.&#34; A direct consequence (which can also recursively feed back into the hype and overselling) is the inappropriate use of a new product or technology: like using Black &amp; Decker&#39;s amazing new UltraHammer to fit a light bulb, or like a fat girl in a crop top.</p>
<p>In the software world, some examples of inappropriate usage are: EJB for a small ecommerce app; extreme programming for a short-term project with stable requirements; Struts for a web project where plain old JSP &#43; JavaBeans would do the job handsomely; taglibs where adding a new meta-language rewards the team with nothing but confusion; or Model 2, design pattern mania where someone on the team has read <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201633612/softwarereali-20" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_new">GOF</a> and hence decided to shoehorn as many design patterns as possible into their design.</p>
<p>Design pattern usage is often seen as an end in itself. Robin (intrepid co-author of this article) was once asked during a job interview: &#34;What&#39;s your favourite design pattern?&#34; What&#39;s the correct response to that? &#34;Oh, Decorator every time! Yeah, I use it for everything!&#34;</p>
<p>Web services technology also gets more than its fair share of misuse. Web services are great, if that&#39;s <em>really</em> what you need. The problem arises when people use web services &#34;just because&#34;, or apply web services inappropriately, like using SOAP as an internal messaging bus.</p>
<p>When hype overtakes a person&#39;s ability to appraise a technology objectively, then of course it&#39;s going to start to be used for the wrong things.<br><br></p>
<p> </p>
<table align="right" border="0" cellspacing="5"><tbody><tr><td width="126"><img align="left" alt="Micro-Horse Unleashed" height="175" src="https://beijingoptbbs.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/cs/5606289-a1c75be48601dda55f75024d860fb9aa.jpg" widt
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