win dows遠程mac
Windows 10’s Sticky Notes app is a powerful note-taking solution, but it doesn’t let you restore deleted notes—or does it? Although this feature isn’t part of the desktop app, there’s a way to get your deleted notes back.
Windows 10的Sticky Notes应用程序是一个功能强大的笔记记录解决方案,但是它不让您还原已删除的笔记-还是呢? 尽管此功能不是桌面应用程序的一部分,但是有一种方法可以找回已删除的笔记。
如何恢复已删除的便笺 (How to Recover Deleted Sticky Notes)
You’ve accidentally deleted a sticky note that had some important information on it, but the desktop app doesn’t have a way to recover—or even see—the items that you deleted. Well, thanks to Sticky Notes syncing everything to the cloud, you can now recover any notes you may have removed, directly from your Microsoft Outlook account.
您不小心删除了上面有一些重要信息的便签,但是桌面应用程序无法恢复(甚至看不到)删除的项目。 好了,由于Sticky Notes将所有内容同步到云,您现在可以直接从Microsoft Outlook帐户中恢复可能已删除的所有笔记。
Note: To access this feature you need to sign in with a Microsoft account on Windows 10. Also, Microsoft only keeps your sticky notes for as long as your deleted items folder holds them—usually 30 days.
注意:要访问此功能,您需要在Windows 10上使用Microsoft帐户登录。此外,Microsoft只保留便笺的时间,只要已删除邮件的文件夹中保存便笺的时间通常为30天。
Fire up and sign in to your Microsoft account you use for Windows 10.
启动并登录到用于Windows 10的Microsoft帐户。
Once you’ve signed in, scroll down the left pane and click on “Deleted Items.”
Scroll through the list until you see the items you want to recover. If you have multiple items, click the bubble next to each item first and then click “Restore.”
滚动列表,直到看到要恢复的项目。 如果您有多个项目,请先单击每个项目旁边的气泡,然后单击“还原”。
The selected items disappear from the folder and leave you wondering if anything happened. When you return to the desktop app, nothing seems to have changed. That’s because the syncing process is a bit slow, and you have to add any recovered notes onto your desktop manually.
所选项目从文件夹中消失,让您想知道是否发生任何事情。 当您返回桌面应用程序时,似乎什么都没有改变。 那是因为同步过程有点慢,并且您必须手动将所有恢复的笔记添加到桌面上。
From the desktop app, click the three dots menu button on any note, then click “Notes List.”
A list of all notes is available from here. You can easily search, delete, and show anything contained in this list provided. Right-click the previously deleted note and then click on “Open Note.”
所有注释的列表可从此处获得。 您可以轻松地搜索,删除和显示此提供的列表中包含的所有内容。 右键单击以前删除的笔记,然后单击“打开笔记”。
If, for whatever reason, the recovered note doesn’t appear in the Notes List, click on the setting cog in the upper right corner.
Scroll down the settings until you see the “Sync now” button and click it.
Head back to your notes list and follow the previous steps to have your note appear back on your desktop.
win dows遠程mac