在美林银行 (Merrill Lynch) 工作的体验和经历是怎样的?

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匿名用户   2018-10-17 23:13   10020   9
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Greg Nance  2级吧友 | 2018-10-17 23:13:16 发帖IP地址来自
I had worked at Merrill Lynch for months in 2008. What a lucky year. Hhh
So with Merrill Lynch, there is a multi-step application process.  First step is to demonstrate your interest. "Why are you interested?" "Why Merrill Lynch", "what specific roles can you contribute to Merrill Lynch". Of course you also need to show your quantitative analytical skills and your financial acumen for your position. From initial cover letter to your CV drop, you will then get a phone call from HR. It was a random number, and 10 questions as I recalled. They asked me what's my view to the future financial market, how will the stock price change in the coming years. How's health care stock doing. Actually they want to see how well I prepared and do I know these jargons and how serious I would be. Finally, the interview. Very exciting. I was wearing suit and tie and being asked lots of tough questions by HR and investment team. But hey I got through the interview and got an offer.
My first day at ML, I got handed a ton of readings studying a bunch of numbers. Always busy and always learning, making PPT and excel files. I was an intern at global wealth management which is basically to help manage the money for rich people and CEOs including client services making sure they are comfortable doing their investment at ML. At the end of my internship which was a high point, I have a chance to write an article about natural gas supply risk in Africa -- the Nigerian delta because Boko Haram, their terrorists group is attacking the oil supplies that creates lots of challenges for the global market then Putin invaded Georgia which was another big issue and I was being helpful to write about these issue creating great image to our clients. Then it actually helped me move on my journey.
The overall key lesson I learned at ML is to bring energy. Always keep motivated and energetic. You have way more chances to connect with people and get interesting project work as you go. I talked all the time with my boss trying to get more and bigger projects. And no matter what I signed, I always tried to get it done ASAP. So that's how I made my progress there.
However, eventually I quit my job and start my own company, because the culture at ML was not a good fit for me. It was very competitive and the vibe there is on your own. And something about Wall Street is a bit like the Wolf of Wall Street. For instance, some old rich men with power, they usually have young beautiful girlfriends. But not all things are as exciting just as the movie. When I worked at Wall Street, the whole economy was running out of credits. The stock price for Merrill Lynch went from strong to weak. Very bad time and the recession strikes. Of course the reason why I left mainly is that I want to collaborate with great team and talented people doing my own business at Money Think and now Dyad to make other's life better and make greater social impact.
但是最终我还是放弃了继续在美林的工作机会,打算自己创办公司,毕竟美林的文化以及华尔街的文化可能不太适合我,竞争真的太激烈了,你在为你自己奋斗。而且有些让我想到华尔街之狼这部电影,好多位高权重的男士的身边都会有非常美丽非常年轻的女朋友。但是并不都像电影里面那样,因为当时美国发生了很严重的信贷危机,如果上网搜的话还能搜到当初美林的股票从那年挺好的走势到后面跌跌跌,当然我最主要离开的原因是我更喜欢团队合作的氛围而不是单独干,我希望和有才能的人合作,这也是我创立Money Think 以及现在Dyad Mentorship的初衷,真正能为别人的生活创造一些价值,做出更大的贡献。


Greg Nance
CEO at Dyad Mentorship
匿名用户   | 2018-10-17 23:13:17 发帖IP地址来自
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Nessaj  1级新秀 | 2018-10-17 23:13:18 发帖IP地址来自
如果说在美国或者欧洲还是值得去的。老美林的底蕴还在。香港的话就算了,美银不重视中国,蔡红军和John Lee被挤走了之后也没有rainmakers了,来的一帮人虾兵蟹将,本来拿deal就困难现在这个平台就是倒了。你看看美林接下来两年有什么pipeline?
王小仙  3级会员 | 2018-10-17 23:13:19 发帖IP地址来自

匿名用户   | 2018-10-17 23:13:20 发帖IP地址来自
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闲看  4级常客 | 2018-10-17 23:13:21 发帖IP地址来自
妈则法克  1级新秀 | 2018-10-17 23:13:22 发帖IP地址来自
Good sharing!
匿名用户   | 2018-10-17 23:13:23 发帖IP地址来自
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匿名用户   | 2018-10-17 23:13:25 发帖IP地址来自
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