2019/12/20 星期五
1.将“联邦数字资产监管机构”或“联邦加密监管机构”的定义分配给三个机构:商品期货交易委员会(CTFC)、证券交易委员会(SEC)和金融犯罪执法网络(FinCEN) 。
[h2]腾讯蔡弋戈:区块链发票具有唯一性 可以避免多开多报[/h2]据新浪财经报道,12月20日,“2019数字金融年度峰会”召开,腾讯数字银行区块链总经理蔡弋戈在会上介绍了微信区块链电子发票。他称,传统发票有很多痛点可以优化。对于用户来说,发票是否报销无法查询,大部分公司报销需要打印。对于企业来说,无法批量查询发票真伪,而且开票成本高、多开票需要交手续费。对于税务局来说,传统发票容易出现一票多报、虚抵虚报的乱象,而且中心化存储发票信息存在数据篡改的可能,此外还有参与方割裂、全程不透明的痛点。某种程度上微信区块链电子发票已经被当作数字资产来看待,具有唯一性,避免了一票多开、多报的传统痛点。(新浪财经)
[h2]Tokenview:BTC链上活跃度有所下降,短时算力接近100 EH/s[/h2]数据监测,近24小时BTC链上转账总额为93.13万BTC,链上转账笔数为29.19万笔,交易笔数和总额较前日均有所下降,活跃和新增地址数较前日则分别下降8.89%和2.65%。挖矿数据方面,BTC近七日算力均值为93.02 EH/s,近24小时算力均值为101.2 EH/s。昨日全网区块总数为145个,较前日增加11个,链上转账手续费总和为26.93 BTC。(Tokenview)注:以上内容仅供参考,不构成投资建议。
[h2]今日恐慌与贪婪指数为23 等级仍为极度恐慌[/h2]今日恐慌与贪婪指数为23(昨日为21),恐慌程度稍稍下降,等级仍为极度恐慌。注:恐慌指数阈值为0-100,包含指标:波动性(25%)+市场交易量(25%)+社交媒体热度(15%)+市场调查(15%)+BTC在整个市场中的比例(10%)+谷歌热词分析(10%)。(Alternative.me)
Largest SouthKorean Telecom Company Issues Blockchain-Based Local Currency in Busan
South Korea’s biggest telecom company, KT, just announced thelaunch of a local blockchain-based currency for one of the country’s largestcities, which will reportedly go live on Dec. 30.
Local news outlet dongA reported on Dec. 19:
“Dongbaekjeon is ablockchain-based card-type local currency issued by Busan City to revitalizeBusan's local economy and ease the management burden of small business.”
The media outlet listed multiple ways to access the currency,including a Dongbaekjeon mobile app, a bank named Hana and Busan Bank.
The article also noted participants can use the “currency at anystore in Busan with a credit card terminal,” although compatibility willreportedly be less common among larger retailers in an effort to encouragespending at smaller local businesses.
Busan’s government inked an agreement with telecom company KTearlier this year in February for the building of the blockchain-based assetset to hit South Korea’s second largest city, media outlet Decrypt detailed ina news report.
Yoo Yong-gyu, KT’s business center director for blockchain, toldDecrypt:
“With our know-howof operating a regional currency and blockchain security, KT will work towardsestablishing Dongbaek Currency and contributing to the growth of Busan'seconomy.”
Earlier in 2019, Cointelegraph detailed Busan’s interest indeveloping a crypto asset in a July article.
France’s Financial Regulator GrantsCountry’s First Approval for an Initial Coin Offering
The hype around initial coin offerings may havequieted down in the States, but France seems to be taking a newfound interest.On Dec. 17th, France’s financial regulator, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers(AMF), granted the country’s first approval for an ICO application.
The offering came from French-ICO, a company that has developeda platform for funding projects using cryptocurrency. The firm is the first tobe white-listed and a notice hasbeen posted on the AMF website.
Reuters reported in July that theAMF was in talks with three or four candidates for ICOs and that more couldsoon be on their way.
While French-ICO is the first company to receive approval, thissupport will remain valid until the end of the subscription period, which isscheduled for June 1, 2020. The AMFwebsite also notes that although approval is optional (ICOs arestill considered legal in France without approval), only those public offeringsthat have received the AMF approval may be marketed directly to the public inFrance.
The AMF also explained that it has only approved the ICOproposal, not the token issuer. France’s primary regulator detailed thatinterested issuers could apply for only one ICO over a period that may notexceed six months.
France’s Definition of an ICO
According to the AMF website, an ICO may be defined as a“fundraising transaction carried out through a distributed ledger technology(DLT or “blockchain”) and resulting in a token issue.” The source notes that“these tokens can then be used to obtain goods or services, as the case maybe.”
The PACTElaw,which is France’s new law on business growth and transformation that wasintroduced in April of this year, included a specific regime for ICOs. The lawnoted that an optional approval would be given by the AMF, which is intended topromote the development of ICOs. The law points out that this does not apply toSecurity Token Offerings, but only to the issuance of utility tokens. Those whofail to comply with the new framework will face large fines.
1. 全球数字货币市场总价值为2769.45亿澳元(-0.78%),24h成交量为1169.25亿澳元(-24.00%)。
助理研究员:Renee Wang