急问:企业管理专业简介 (用英语)

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急问:企业管理专业简介 (用英语)
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我是皮皮雪  1级新秀 | 2017-8-27 22:40:06 发帖IP地址来自
不知道你上了哪些专业课,以下是相关专业课的英文描述,你看看你上过哪些,照抄应该就行了. (纽约公立大学的专业描述)

Business, Management, and Finance

Business 30.2 Introduction to Economic and Business Statistics
4 hours; 4 credits

Descriptive statistics including measures of central tendency, dispersion, and skewness. Probability and theoretical probability distributions including the binomial function and the normal curve. Sampling, estimation, and test of hypothesis. Simple correlation and regression analysis. Applications from social sciences. This course is the same as Economics 30.2. (Not open to students who are enrolled in or have completed any of the following: Sociology 19.1, 20, 20.1, Political Science 12.5, 57, Psychology 40.1, 50, Mathematics 8.1, 51.1.)
Prerequisite: a score of 32 or higher on the CUNY Mathematics Skills Assessment Test or a grade of C or higher in Core Studies 5, or passing Mathematics 2.9 or higher.

Business 30.3 Advanced Economic and Business Statistics
3 hours; 3 credits

Index number construction. Time series analysis. Chi-square, F, and student’s t distributions. Advanced topics in statistical inference. Variance, multiple regression, and correlation analysis. Applications from economics. This course is the same as Economics 30.3.
Prerequisite: Business 30.2 or Economics 30.2 or Mathematics 51.1; and Economics 31.1 or its equivalent.

Business 31.4 Operations Management
3 hours; 3 credits

Study in managerial decision making to solve a wide range of operating management problems. Topics covered include: planning, evaluating, and control of operations; forecasting and inventory management; scheduling; project design and management; resource allocation; queueing models; quality of the work environment; and technological change. Design and implementation of management strategy will be emphasized through computer simulation, problems, and cases. (Not open to students who are enrolled in, or who have completed Mathematics 73.2 or Economics 31.4.)
Prerequisite: +Economics 20.1, 31.1; and Business 50.1.

Business 40.3 Personnel Management
3 hours; 3 credits

Managerial labor policies. Factors affecting productive efficiency and morale of workers. Methods and policies of apprenticeship, recruitment, dismissal; criteria of employee selection, wage payment, and work standards. Problems of monotony and work schedules. Welfare policies. This course is the same as Psychology 12.7. (Not open to students who have completed Economics 40.3.)
Prerequisite: +Economics 10.1 or Psychology 10.
+Juniors and seniors not majoring in economics or accounting may take this course without any prerequisites.

Business 50.1 Introduction to Management
3 hours; 3 credits

Principles of management. Functions of the manager. Organization and operation of American business. Management processes, concepts, and specific problems of production, management, labor relations, marketing, financing, decision-making and accounting. Lectures, discussions, and case studies. (Not open to students who have completed Economics 50.1.)
Prerequisite: +Economics 10.1.
+Juniors and seniors not majoring in economics or accounting may take this course without any prerequisites.

Business 50.2 Principles of Marketing Management
3 hours; 3 credits

An overall view of the field of marketing and the theory of consumer and enterprise demand. Emphasis is given to consumer behavior, advertising, social responsibility, marketing strategies, market potential, product planning and development, market research, pricing, sales promotion, channels of distribution and government regulation. (Not open to students who have completed Economics 50.2.)

Business 50.4 Organizational Behavior
3 hours; 3 credits

This course deals with individual and group behavior within organizational systems. Topics covered include: job satisfaction, work motivation, communications, organizational design, organizational culture, organizational change, leadership, team development, interpersonal and intergroup conflict management, total quality management, and social responsibility/ethics. (Not open to students who have completed Economics 50.4.)
Prerequisite: Business 50.1.

Business 50.5 Small Business Management and Minority Entrepreneurship
3 hours; 3 credits

Entrepreneurial processes of new venture creation and small business management. How entrepreneurs start businesses, psychological and economic characteristics of entrepreneurs, obtaining financing, small business marketing and advertising, financial and cash management for a small business, managing a small business, and using the World Wide Web as a profitable business tool. Importance of small business development by minorities. Case studies of successful minority entrepreneurs will be examined.
Prerequisite: Business 50.1.

Business 50.7 Advertising and Direct Marketing
3 hours; 3 credits

Importance of advertising and direct marketing in the mix of strategies for selling. Determining budgets and objectives. Evaluating strategies. Development of a media plan. Analysis of the creative process. Copy and media testing. Direct response advertising, direct mail, catalogs, mailing lists, cooperative advertising, telemarketing, and lead generation. Group projects and real-life applications. (Not open to students who have completed Economics 50.7.) This course is the same as Television and Radio 17.Prerequisite: Business 50.2 or Television and Radio 6.5.

Business 50.8 Management of New and Emerging Technologies
3 hours; 3 credits

The focus of this course is on the management of work units charged with technical renewal or new applications of technology. The practical problems of people in industry, involving interpersonal relations, groups, leadership, and organizational change, will be viewed in light of the overall strategy of the firm. Issues will range from managing project groups in traditional pyramid organizations, as well as in the newer matrix organizations, to managing the transfer of technology on an international basis. This course will use the case study approach predominantly, but also will include small group student projects. (Not open to students who have completed Economics 50.8.)
Prerequisite: Business 50.1.

Business 50.9 Consumer Behavior
3 hours; 3 credits

Interdisciplinary approach to understanding consumer motivation and behavior. The relationship of information processing and learning theory on buyer behavior, importance and measurement of images and attitudes, theories of promotion and communication, and models of consumer behavior. Consumerism. Application of theoretical principles to advertising, positioning, segmentation, and product strategies. (Not open to students who have completed Economics 50.3 or Economics 50.9.)
Prerequisite: Business 50.2.

Business 70.2 Corporation Financial Management
3 hours; 3 credits

Basic problems faced by financial managers. Goals and functions of financial managers, tools of financial analysis, forecasting funds requirements, management of current assets, short-, intermediate-, and long-term financing. (Not open to students who have completed Economics 70.2.)
Prerequisite: Economics 20.1 and Accounting 1.

Business 70.3 Investment and Securities Markets
3 hours; 3 credits

Existent markets including investment institutions and security exchanges. Technique of investment analysis. (Not open to students who have completed Economics 70.3.)
Prerequisite: Business 70.2 or Economics 70.2.

Business 70.7 Investment Science
4 hours; 4 credits

Net present value, internal rate of return; yield, duration, immunization, and convexity of fixed-income securities; mean-variance portfolio theory, Markowitz model, CAPM, factor models, arbitrage pricing theory; models of asset dynamics, Ito’s lemma, options theory, Black-Scholes equation, interest-rate derivatives. (This course is the same as Economics 70.7 and Mathematics 74.2.)
Prerequisite: Economics 30.2 or Business 30.2 or Mathematics 8.1 or Mathematics 51.1; Economics 31.1 with a grade of B- or better; Economics 70.2 or Business 70.2.

Business 76.4 International Business and Marketing
3 hours; 3 credits

An introduction to the international business environment. Topics covered include: issues involved in researching and entering overseas markets, identification and evaluation of opportunities in overseas markets, and problems faced by international business. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the economic, financial, technological, sociopolitical, and cultural environments in designing international business strategies.
Prerequisite: Economics 10.1 or Business 50.2.
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