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期权匿名问答   2022-7-25 08:29   6598   0
LG - 机器学习   CV - 计算机视觉   CL - 计算与语言   AS - 音频与语音 RO - 机器人


1、[LG] Volatility Based Kernels and Moving Average Means for Accurate Forecasting with Gaussian Processes

G Benton, W J. Maddox, A G Wilson
[New York University]
A broad class of stochastic volatility models are defined by systems of stochastic differential equations. While these models have seen widespread success in domains such as finance and statistical climatology, they typically lack an ability to condition on historical data to produce a true posterior distribution. To address this fundamental limitation, we show how to re-cast a class of stochastic volatility models as a hierarchical Gaussian process (GP) model with specialized covariance functions. This GP model retains the inductive biases of the stochastic volatility model while providing the posterior predictive distribution given by GP inference. Within this framework, we take inspiration from well studied domains to introduce a new class of models, Volt and Magpie, that significantly outperform baselines in stock and wind speed forecasting, and naturally extend to the multitask setting.

2、[AS] Multitrack Music Transformer: Learning Long-Term Dependencies in Music with Diverse Instruments

H Dong, K Chen, S Dubnov, J McAuley, T Berg-Kirkpatrick
[University of California San Diego]
Existing approaches for generating multitrack music with transformer models have been limited to either a small set of instruments or short music segments. This is partly due to the memory requirements of the lengthy input sequences necessitated by existing representations for multitrack music. In this work, we propose a compact representation that allows a diverse set of instruments while keeping a short sequence length. Using our proposed representation, we present the Multitrack Music Transformer (MTMT) for learning long-term dependencies in multitrack music. In a subjective listening test, our proposed model achieves competitive quality on unconditioned generation against two baseline models. We also show that our proposed model can generate samples that are twice as long as those produced by the baseline models, and, further, can do so in half the inference time. Moreover, we propose a new measure for analyzing musical self-attentions and show that the trained model learns to pay less attention to notes that form a dissonant interval with the current note, yet attending more to notes that are 4N beats away from current. Finally, our findings provide a novel foundation for future work exploring longer-form multitrack music generation and improving self-attentions for music. All source code and audio samples can be found at this https URL .

3、[IR] Improving Wikipedia Verifiability with AI

F Petroni, S Broscheit, A Piktus, P Lewis, G Izacard, L Hosseini, J Dwivedi-Yu, M Lomeli, T Schick, P Mazaré, A Joulin, E Grave, S Riedel
[Meta AI & Amazon Alexa AI]
Verifiability is a core content policy of Wikipedia: claims that are likely to be challenged need to be backed by citations. There are millions of articles available online and thousands of new articles are released each month. For this reason, finding relevant sources is a difficult task: many claims do not have any references that support them. Furthermore, even existing citations might not support a given claim or become obsolete once the original source is updated or deleted. Hence, maintaining and improving the quality of Wikipedia references is an important challenge and there is a pressing need for better tools to assist humans in this effort. Here, we show that the process of improving references can be tackled with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). We develop a neural network based system, called Side, to identify Wikipedia citations that are unlikely to support their claims, and subsequently recommend better ones from the web. We train this model on existing Wikipedia references, therefore learning from the contributions and combined wisdom of thousands of Wikipedia editors. Using crowd-sourcing, we observe that for the top 10% most likely citations to be tagged as unverifiable by our system, humans prefer our system’s suggested alternatives compared to the originally cited reference 70% of the time. To validate the applicability of our system, we built a demo to engage with the English-speaking Wikipedia community and find that Side’s first citation recommendation collects over 60% more preferences than existing Wikipedia citations for the same top 10% most likely unverifiable claims according to Side. Our results indicate that an AI-based system could be used, in tandem with humans, to improve the verifiability of Wikipedia. More generally, we hope that our work can be used to assist fact checking efforts and increase the general trustworthiness of information online. All our code, data, indexes and models are publicly available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/side.

4、[CL] TalkToModel: Understanding Machine Learning Models With Open Ended Dialogues

D Slack, S Krishna, H Lakkaraju, S Singh
[UC Irvine & Harvard University]
TalkToModel: 基于开放式对话的机器学习模型理解。机器学习(ML)模型越来越多地被用来在现实世界的应用中做出关键决策,然而它们也变得更加复杂,使对其的理解愈发困难。为此,人们提出了几种解释模型预测的技术。然而,从业人员在利用解释时很费劲,因为他们往往不知道该用哪一种,如何解释结果,而且可能没有足够的数据科学经验来获得解释。此外,目前的大多数工作都集中在生成一次性解释,不允许用户跟进并提出关于解释的细化问题,这可能会让人感到沮丧。本文提出TalkToModel来解决这些挑战:一个用于理解机器学习模型的开放式对话系统。TalkToModel包括三个关键部分:1)一个用于参与对话的自然语言界面,使理解机器学习模型变得非常容易;2)一个对话引擎,可以自适应任意表格模型和数据集,解释自然语言,将其映射到适当的操作(例如,特征重要性解释,反事实解释,显示模型错误),并生成文本响应;3)一个执行组件,运行操作并确保解释的准确性。本文对TalkToModel进行了定量和人工评估。发现该系统能够理解用户在新的数据集和模型上的问题,并具有很高的准确性,证明了该系统对新情况的泛化能力。
Machine Learning (ML) models are increasingly used to make critical decisions in real-world applications, yet they have also become more complex, making them harder to understand. To this end, several techniques to explain model predictions have been proposed. However, practitioners struggle to leverage explanations because they often do not know which to use, how to interpret the results, and may have insufficient data science experience to obtain explanations. In addition, most current works focus on generating one-shot explanations and do not allow users to follow up and ask fine-grained questions about the explanations, which can be frustrating. In this work, we address these challenges by introducing TalkToModel: an open-ended dialogue system for understanding machine learning models. Specifically, TalkToModel comprises three key components: 1) a natural language interface for engaging in dialogues, making understanding ML models highly accessible, 2) a dialogue engine that adapts to any tabular model and dataset, interprets natural language, maps it to appropriate operations (e.g., feature importance explanations, counterfactual explanations, showing model errors), and generates text responses, and 3) an execution component that run the operations and ensures explanations are accurate. We carried out quantitative and human subject evaluations of TalkToModel. We found the system understands user questions on novel datasets and models with high accuracy, demonstrating the system’s capacity to generalize to new situations. In human evaluations, 73% of healthcare workers (e.g., doctors and nurses) agreed they would use TalkToModel over baseline point-and-click systems, and 84.6% of ML graduate students agreed TalkToModel was easier to use.

5、[CV] Factorized and Controllable Neural Re-Rendering of Outdoor Scene for Photo Extrapolation

B Zhao, B Yang, Z Li, Z Li, G Zhang...
[Zhejiang University & Baidu & ETH Zürich & Wilfrid Laurier University]
Expanding an existing tourist photo from a partially captured scene to a full scene is one of the desired experiences for photography applications. Although photo extrapolation has been well studied, it is much more challenging to extrapolate a photo (i.e., selfie) from a narrow field of view to a wider one while maintaining a similar visual style. In this paper, we propose a factorized neural re-rendering model to produce photorealistic novel views from cluttered outdoor Internet photo collections, which enables the applications including controllable scene re-rendering, photo extrapolation and even extrapolated 3D photo generation. Specifically, we first develop a novel factorized re-rendering pipeline to handle the ambiguity in the decomposition of geometry, appearance and illumination. We also propose a composited training strategy to tackle the unexpected occlusion in Internet images. Moreover, to enhance photo-realism when extrapolating tourist photographs, we propose a novel realism augmentation process to complement appearance details, which automatically propagates the texture details from a narrow captured photo to the extrapolated neural rendered image. The experiments and photo editing examples on outdoor scenes demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method in both photo-realism and downstream applications.


[AI] GriddlyJS: A Web IDE for Reinforcement Learning

C Bamford, M Jiang, M Samvelyan, T Rocktschel
[Queen Mary University & Meta AI & UCL]

[CL] DocCoder: Generating Code by Retrieving and Reading Docs

S Zhou, U Alon, F F. Xu, Z JIang, G Neubig

[LG] Don't Start From Scratch: Leveraging Prior Data to Automate Robotic Reinforcement Learning

H Walke, J Yang, A Yu, A Kumar, J Orbik, A Singh, S Levine
[UC Berkeley & UT Austin & Google]

[CV] PI-Trans: Parallel-ConvMLP and Implicit-Transformation Based GAN for Cross-View Image Translation

B Ren, H Tang, Y Wang...
[University of Pisa & ETH Zurich & Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) & University of Trento]

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